Just Listen To What Some Of Our Clients Have To Say About...


"Created My First Training Program and Webinar from Scratch!”

I created my very own high-ticket system with Mia's mentorship.

-- Heide, Coach & Consultant

“Learned to Package My Expertise and Education for High-Ticket”

Discovered the missing pieces to charge high ticket for exceptional services.

-- Rassheedah, Consultant

“I Learned To Stand In My Value.”

Closed 24K within a few weeks of attending The Giant Experience Master Training.

-- Connie, Consultant

"My Life has Completely Changed!”

I am so proud and very thankful to Mia because she has helped me to package my gifts and talents and given me the confidence to know I am my product.

-- Kathy, Health Consultant

“I Know how to Package my Skillset as a Mom For the Rest of my Life.”

Don't hesitate. What Mia is offering is real, the value is real and the support is unmatched. I now know how to package my gifts.

-- Deborah, Mom Coach

“I Learnt how to tell my Full Story!”

Mia is so knowledgable, it has been an incredible experience, your story si why you are here and allowed me to package my expertise and value.

-- Terita, Education Prescription

"Such a Wealth of Information in Such a Short time.”

I have been able to take my degrees, turn them into a package and been able to sell at a premium price thanks to Mia's coaching.

-- Lisa, Empowerment Coach

"Learned Time-Rich Models of Packaging Instead of Trading Time.”

Learned how to build her practice one to many insteading of trading time for dollars and limiting her income.

-- Baneca, Consultant

“I Learnt That I am The Product and I Have Packaged That!”

I Used Mia's coaching to package and position myself as the obvious choice for someone to learn from my experiences.

-- Gwendolyn, Relationship Coach

"I Took SO Much From This, Mia Gives So Much.”

I took everything that Mia was offering in the course. She gave me clarity surrounding my gifts to create a package to bring results.

-- Evelyn, Professional Author

“I Learned To Package my Knowledge into a Book.”

I gained the clarity around my skills and was then able to package my expert knowledge into a book and sell that using templates based on Mia's models.

-- Kalyani, Expert and Author

“The VIP Experience Allowed me to Jumpstart my New Product!”

Mia allowed me to flush out the cobwebs and put together a framework, script and pitch for my new product and core package.

-- Cathy, Sensory Therapist

"I'm so Thankful for the Ladies I've Met and The Lessons I've Learnt.”

As a result of working with Mia Redrick I have started my first coaching business and registered as an LLC thanks to Mia's Events.

-- Marie, Business Coach & Consultant

“Mia Taught me to Utilise and Package the Skills I Have Gathered for the Past 25 Years.”

As a result of being a part of this training, I was able to see my worth, feel confidence in myself, creating my package and pricing that package to fit the results I provide.

-- Georgia, Artist and Educator

"Technique is Transferable, Not Talent! What is Yours is Unique."

I learnt through Mia's training to sell the personal journey I have gone through, to package my experiences into something truly unique to me.

-- Nikita, Business Coach


"For the First Time in Six Years I Feel my Work is Paid Appropriately.”

Since working with Mia, I've been able to increase my prices from $900 to almost $7,000 per trip! I've never been able to price so highly.

-- Amanda, Luxury Travel Consultant

“I Can't Believe it, I'm in SHOCK at How Low I Was Selling Before.”

I Closed $15,000 24 hours after attending MIa's events, using what she was taught and ended up closing $45,000 in that first week.

-- Michelle, Coach and Consultant

“I Followed The Templates and it Just Works!”

I followed Mia's guidance and templates for a Sales call and closed a $5,000 deal that night, my first high-ticket client!

-- Reba, Business Coach

"She helped me to restructure my pricing”

In just two weeks I have acquired three new clients and 30% of the investment. This is the way to build a premium product and truly value what you do.

-- Dedra, Non-profit Expert and Consultant

"I Was Challenged with Pricing, But Not Anymore!"

We looked at my prices and adjusted them, in the short period after adjusting I had an additional $20,000 on top of my usual earnings.

-- Cynthia, Consultant

“Mia Allowed me to Package Myself as a Premium Product.”

In just three weeks I had my ideal client come to me and I was able to sell a $14,000 product.

-- Terri, Business Coach

"My Income Tripled in a Couple of Sessions.”

I walked away from a career as an attorney as Mia's coaching allowed me to take my earnings and triple them in just 1 or 2 sessions with her.

-- Fred, Attorney and Book Editor

“I was Able to Make $12,000 With Just 1 Idea.”

All I had to do was follow 2 steps of Mia's advice, she gave us this in our first session and I made $12,000 using them!

-- Tawanda, Coach & Consultant

“I Closed $140,000 for my FIRST Ever Client!”

Everything that Mia shared with me I put into practice. With my very first client I put out a number at $140,000 and closed there and then.

-- Stacey, Business Coach

"I Closed $13,7050 From Mia's Techniques and Scripts.”

This works. I stood in my value and was able to close a $13,750 from one client using the techniques that Mia provides.

-- Valerie, Book Editor and Consultant

“I Have Been Able to Value my Products and Sold one for $5,800.”

Within the 6 weeks of the course I had already designed my product that was valued at $2,500 as well as sell one for $5,800.

-- Anita, The Good Mom Coach

"Made My First Sale Within Days"

Closed First Sale Within One Week of attending The Giant Experience Online Master Training Live.

-- Sharonda, Life Coach

“I am really learning how to see my value and my worth and become Giant!”

Managing your mindset is a big part of what makes a Giant. I had that issue and through coaching with Mia Redrick, I was able to overcome these hurdles and understand what I am really worth.

-- Maraliz, Life Coach


"I Got Deeper Clarity on My Areas of Focus.”

The second time round through The Giant experience Online Master Training has given me the confidence to Position myself as the obvious choice in my are of focus.

-- Lisa, Empowerment Institute

“I Learned To Stand Firm and Show Results.”

Positioning myself as the only reasonable choice has allowed me to speak at so many events, most recently I even spoke at the White House!

-- Connie, Consultant

“I Understood How My Lifestyle Affected My Business.”

Learning how my life affected work allowed me to make changes that complemented each other, putting me in the right place for my ideal clients.

-- Latrivia, Business Coach

"My Mindset was Holding me Back, Mia Gave The Solution.”

Changing my Mindset and language gave my business the position to be the the correct choice for so many clients.

-- Chatone, Author and Coach

“I Learned to Stand in My Value and say No when necessary.”

By knowing my system and standing in my value I put myself in the position to close out a $48,000 contract.

-- Audra, Mindset Coach

“You're Going to Learn How to Take Your Business to the Next Level.”

I left The Giant Experience Online Master Training knowing I can perform at a high level and that confidence brought clients.

-- Cassandra, Business Coach

"From the Moment I Started I Saw the Difference."

Through the Support of other Giants in the community, and stepping into confidence I have been able to position myself as the expert in my field.

-- Aida, Business Coach & Consulting

“I Used the Tools Mia Gave Me and Became the Choice.”

Using Mia's tools and attending The Giant Experience Online Master Training, I have been able to close out multiple contract by positioning myself in the area of need for my buyers.

-- Evelyn, Professional Chef

“She has the Ability to Elevate Your Thinking.”

Mia taught me how to avoid certian pitfalls, overcome challenges and obstacles, and position my product so that others may benefit.

-- Tonya C., Business Coach

"Mia's Step-by-step Systems Really Work!”

I have been able to position myself as THE cultural consultant in Dubai by showing results through case studies.

-- Wendy, Cross-Cultural Consultant

“I Was Able to Show up as a Giant and Stand Above the Crowd.”

It was challenging to begin with but as a result of The Giant Experience I have able to position my business for maximum impact.

-- Mydera, Consultant

“I Was Blown Away, it Taught Me So Much”

Becuase of this training I learnt that I need to show up in a premium way, and to put myself into a situation that I am not comfortable with to put myself in the best position to grow.

-- Leila, Business Consultant

Finding Buyers

"I Got My Questions Answered.”

I managed to Hit 6-figures within just 9 weeks applying what I learned at The Giant Experience Master Training by marketing correctly and finding the right buyers.

-- Diana, Business Coach & Consulting

“For The Past 5 Weeks I Have Learned So Much.”

I have been able to structure and restructure my programs and systems in order to explore and pitch to new markets.

-- Pauline, Therapist & Coach

“I Increased My Social Media Footprint to Expand My Marketing.”

I posted videos every single week, and opening up live-streaming. I use social media and post everyday and it is working. My following online is growing and I am getting DMs from my ideal clients.

-- Chatone, Author & Coach

"I Found Ways To Get MY Buyers To Come To Me.”

I learnt to get form where I was to where I want to be and get buyers to come to me and now sell my services for $7,500!

-- Tamara, Business Coach & Consultant

“I Could Not Have Done This Without Mia Redrick.”

I have learned so much about finding my ideal clients and packaging my gifts. I have closed clients in my niche thanks to Mia Redrick and my accountability partners.

-- Kathy, Health and Diet Consultant

“Thanks to Mia, I hit my Goal of a $10K Month!”

Thanks to Mia's support and systems I have been able to market myself adn my product in such a way that I don't have to look for buyers, my services attract the right people without the need to look for them.

-- Quanisha, The Black Woman CEO

"I Triple My Rates and made $12,150 in a couple of weeks.”

I was at my capacity so by tripling my rates I was able to make space in my business for clients that valued my work, and maed an additional $12,150 in a couple of weeks.

-- Yahya, Feminine Success Coaching

“By Standing Firm I Closed a Contract at $60,000.”

Thanks to Mie I was able to understand my value, knowing that my clients will come to me I stood firm and closed a deal for $60,000.

-- Dedra, Non-profit Expert and Consultant

“I Applied What I Learned And Followed Mia's Techinques!”

By following what Mia teaches in her courses I marketed myself in such a way that I found buyers that value what I do and were able to use my services.

-- Cassandra, Business Coach

"I Have Implemented Mia's Training And Closed My first High Ticket Deal.”

Doing Mia's exercises I came to realise the value I was bringing and the transformation I am offering. Using that I found clients that wanted what I brought to the table.

-- Betsaida, Emotional Intelligence Coach

“I Was Able to Get My Business Off The Ground With the Training From Mia Redrick.”

Mia Has helped me to Package, Position, Price and Pitch my product. I was able attend Mia's events and it changed my world. I managed to build my business and pitch to the ideal client from the get go.

-- Latrivia, Consultant

“Mia Showed me EVERYTHING, Packaging, Positioning, Pricing and Finding my Buyers”

Mia showed me where my clientelle is, my ideal luxury clientelle, and allowed me to market to them in ways I never have before.

-- Amanda, Luxury Travel Consultant

"Using Mia's Systems I Was Able to Push Myself”

Mia's training allowed me to sell my results and push myself into the right direction where my ideal clients were able to see me and purchase my products.

-- Bernadette, Business Coach & Consulting

“I Was Able To Swap From Brick and Mortar To My new Business”

By following Mia's systems and techniques I have been able to find my niche and create my masterclass with my clients coming to me.

-- Sahera, Chef and Consultant

“Improving My Social Media Status Made Buyers Come To Me”

Mia advised me to increase my social media presence and in doing so I had clients inboxing me through Youtube and Instagram, coming to me for my business.

-- Taquila, Business Coach